Rainier Ward

Rainier Ward follows the “5210 A Way of Life” recommendations and has accepted to share his story in the hopes of encouraging others to follow his lead. Congratulation Rainier and continue your fantastic work!

In October I attend a “Diabetes Journey” workshop and got a crash course in everything I needed to know about Diabetes and the effects it can have on a diabetic. I got inspired and said I am going to stop living in Diabetes denial. I started walking every day, quit drinking pop, juice and sugary drinks completely, only water. Started substituting my carb heavy diet for more vegetable. and I have seen amazing results. I am on day 59 since I started my journey, I walk 10000 steps every day with the help of my fit bit activity tracker with my 10000 steps I usually walk about an hour to an hour and a half a day depending on how much steps I get throughout the day.. I eat my 5 Veggies for sure. I try to limit my private screen time, at work it can be a challenge with my desk job.

Since changing things up, I have lost 45 pounds since October, my sugars are stabilized, my depression is completely gone, I feel happy all the time and I am trying my best to help others.  I feel so great, and things can only get better.

Rainier Ward